About ME

Hey There, Beautiful soul!

My name is Susan Gates, and I am a wife, mom, life and soul coach, empath, intuitive, astrology nerd, travel enthusiast, and hypnotherapist!

Whew! That was a mouthful…

I’ve spent my life listening to, seeking to understand, and advising myself and others, sometimes with questions or insights that have surprised even myself and can only be described as divine.

After fighting for so long to become the person I thought I should be (graduated from one of the best engineering schools in the country, employed at a Fortune 50 company, married to my soulmate, homeowner, etc.) I realized I was still unhappy and unfulfilled. Something was missing. I had fallen into the destination trap, and when I ran out of the standard life goals to go after and felt stuck, I realized I needed to look inward.

I went on a spiritual retreat in Sedona to find answers. Since then I’ve discovered more about myself, what brings me joy, and have been able to show up more authentically in my relationships and life. Over the past few years, I’ve focused on growing my understanding of spiritual practices and mysticism, completing formalized coaching training, as well as strengthening my connection to my higher self and being able to listen to my intuition so that I could figure out what I actually wanted out of life.

As it turns out, helping others is a big part of what I yearn to do.

We have so many opportunities to live the life we want but we often hold ourselves back in some way. Often, it’s because of what we’ve been taught we need to do in order to be successful (i.e. the “Average” life). We’re not all meant to follow the same path, so why do we feel like we need to do the same things?

I get so much joy and excitement seeing others fulfill their dreams and living their most authentic lives, and I can’t wait to help you do the same with this lifetime.

My Vision & Mission

My vision is to create a world where people are able to embrace their unique selves and allow their gifts to shine, contributing to an even more beautiful world.

My mission is to help others reach their healed state through a combination approach of working with all levels of consciousness by utilizing coaching (conscious), hypnotherapy (subconscious), and getting in touch with their own intuition (superconscious). By allowing each client to move past what they think they need to be and embracing who they truly are and want to be, we will collectively drive change toward a more loving world.


Over 10 years ago as I started my career after graduating college, I came upon a comic titled, “11 Ways to Be Unremarkably Average,” which poked fun of the average life. It was basically the standard “do well in school, go to college, don’t stand out, get a job, buy an expensive house, travel to safe places, think about doing something cool but not do it, retire, then die” life path where the person just looked like they were soulless by the end of it.

This resonated with me on a deep level, and I vowed to not allow my life to become average.

Sure enough though, I started down that path until life starting dropping hints to help me course-correct. It’s now my mission to help others get back to their true essence and live the life of their dreams, not what society told them they had to do.

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with living an average life (it is pretty safe, after all), what if you stepped out of that comfort zone and embraced the unknown so that you could truly let your gifts and talents shine and live your life authentically?

If you’ve felt stuck or that there’s something more left to uncover physically, spiritually, or mentally, let’s chat about how soul coaching with me may be a good fit for you.